[...] and as a collective, nanas negative 180 through to negative 1 pre-emptively loathe the idea of each consecutive nana n having the luxury of being the sole possessor of ontological reality at forthcoming moments in space and time [left butt cheek to nana59]. In theory, they would argue, nana n ceases to merely exist as a fleeting entity and becomes, so to speak, an infinitely superseding vehicle which in effect transcends the very notion of finite time. In other words, the past 180 negative nanas’ argument is that not only is nana n in a hypothetical position to attain an abstract form of immortality, but that nana n is by definition an undying unit. Furthermore, they maintain, nana n is rendered as such through (and only through) the cataleptic participation of nanas both negative, i.e. past, and positive, i.e. future – linearly speaking, of course.
Only a minority of time-bound nanas have thus far spoken up against the arrangement of the structure, all of them belonging to the near past (negative 180 – negative 1), while the as yet unaffected positive nanas of the future have remained unmoved (with the notable (although not entirely coincidental) exception of nana positive 1 whose clock will start ticking at precisely midnight tonight (see below)).
However, despite the lack of unanimous support from the sum total of the time-bound front, the space-bound front have united with the negative nanas 180 through to 1 and eagerly embraced what they view as a magnificent opportunity to remedy their various grievances. In a moving statement, space-bound nanas lamented their perceived neglect and expressed their immense communal desire to multivocalise the space of nana n. Which is why the decision has been made to de-centralise nana n into diverse areas of the body of nana. (The focus of nana59, for example, will be on the left butt cheek, whilst the focus of nana25 will be on the toenail of the right toe thumb.)
And, since these are the agreed parameters of the day, nana n shall henceforth report here every 24 hours at midnight – the exact time when the split between today and tomorrow, or, if you are of a pessimistic nature, today and yesterday occurs and recurs with astonishing regularity.
nana n shall gladly oblige all past and future nanas, as far as time is concerned, as well as all left and right nanas, and up and down nanas, and backwards and forwards nanas, as far as space is concerned.
[KEY: nana negative 180 = the nana of approx. 6 months ago nana negative 1 = the nana of approx. 24 hours ago nana postive 1 = the nana of tomorrow nana postive 180 = the nana of the distant future]