MAY DAY MAY DAY: a danse macabre [May 2017, Secret Field Location] PERFORMED BY: Nana Biluš Abaffy, Natalie Abbott, Lindsay Cox, Tim Darbyshire, Milo Hyde, Harrison Ritchie-Jones, Geoffrey Watson.
SDT is staying IN [Dec 2016, Secret Apartment Location] PERFORMED BY: Nana Biluš Abaffy, Lindsay Cox, Rohan Forster, Milo Hyde, Jo Lloyd, Geoffrey Watson.
THE MIRACLE IN ISLE 6 [Dec 2015, Secret Supermarket Location] PERFORMED BY: Nana Biluš Abaffy, Rohan Forster, Fina Po, Geoffrey Watson. A miracle unfolds as a man struggles to reach a can from the highest shelf. Come bear witness as SDT does XMAS, a bit late. Performed by Secretive Dancers #1, #3, #4, and #8 in a secret supermarket location.
there was smoke in the sky "he said" [Sept 2014, Nicholas Building] PERFORMED BY: Nana Biluš Abaffy, Lindsay Cox, Rohan Forster, Milo Hyde, Geoffrey Watson. A PROTEST PLAY DANCE ABOUT FUN AND FEAR. Unfolding over six nights at the grand Nicholas Building. [...] and he kept saying things like: quit psychonormatively oppressing me; and like he always spoke of: the tyranny of the mental majority over mental minorities; and also he'd often scream out: my psychointegrity has been violated; or some such thing [...] At first I felt : ( but later I thought: Wot a cunt [sic]. Hey cunt: ‘tis all in good fun! “I cry”. Humour is a survival instinct “I shout (at cunt)” and we both laugh.
FUNNY FOREST [June 2014, Secret Forest Location] An explicitly illicit work of wander, FUNNY FOREST will see 4x Secretive Dancers engage in ChoreoGraphic acts of extreme tree hugging, totem animal worshipping, and site specific protest dancing in a secret forest in Carlton. Alternate title: Trees Have Roots.
some people are saying that NIHIL, THE GENIUS ist tot* *is dead [Nov 2013, La Mama] Nihil is a play that plays in the dark. Nihil isn’t sure if she’s anywhere anymore at all. Nihil tries to love the world and the totality of humanity and also animality and even inanimate things like rocks. Nihil is only now beginning to uncover the immensity of the mixedup reality pouring down and all around him. Nihil giveth a *uck. PERFORMED BY: T.G. Nihil the philosopher pig, Adam & Eve
The Chronic Confusion of Đ [Sept 2013, New Low Gallery] A binaurally recorded, tin can transmitted, pin head rendered play for one-at-a-time. Step into Ð’s cubicle. Slip onto Ð’s throne. Ð wants to tell you something. Ð ain’t tellin’ Shelly Shiver about it. Ð ain’t tellin’ Sleep Salvador about it. Ð ain’t tellin’ Olga Possumović about it. Ð only tellin’ you about it. Companion piece to Shelly Shiver's Pronounced L-O-V-E of the Man Ð.
Shelly Shiver’s Pronounced L-O-V-E of The Man Đ [Sept 2013, New Low Gallery] A total werk play for mixedup reality. The chronically confused Đ, accompanied by several of his multiple personalities, desperately watches relaxing YouTube towel-folding tutorials as he awaits admittance to the SleepKlinik. For Shelly Shiver, a pissed-off omnisexual, Đ is the ideal multiplicity-in-unity and she burns to make love to all of him.
Shelly Shiver, meet Shelly Shatter [May 2013, Secret Library Location] A trespassing theatrical dance piece performed after-hours at a reclaimed medical library in front of an anonymously invited audience.